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Re: faq regarding

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Michael Sokolov wrote:
> There are no problems except that it's a plain waste. Why do you want this
> behavior? .bss is an array of zeros or random garbage, why do you want to store
> it on disk and read it from there?

I just wanted to know the size of .bss somehow. Now I see that I can
do something like:

	movl $end, %eax

to determine the end of the kernel image, given that I have defined
$end in the linker script. Now I can start allocating dynamic memory
after $end and not worry that I'm trashing .bss.

Thanks for your help,

			     Ivan Pulleyn
		      4942 N. Winchester Ave. #3
			  Chicago, IL 60640
			    (847) 980-1400

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