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Re: [Archer] Re: Apologies for wrong commit error

> AFAIK it should not affect operations with master.  It is now more a problem
> for the archer-muller-windows-multi branch as AFAIK there is no way to do a
> real undo of a GIT merge.  GIT will now still think the current version of
> archer-muller-windows-multi is already present in master, therefore this
> command now no longer shows what has changed on archer-muller-windows-multi
> (even if master has more recent updates):
> 	git diff origin/master...origin/archer-muller-windows-multi

You could undo the change by forcing the HEAD (reference) back to
the commit prior to the accidental one. I've never actually done
this before, but something like this, perhaps:

        % git reset --hard <SHA1>
        % git push origin master

This should restore the history to what it was prior to accidental


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