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Re: FYI - valgrind + gdbserver

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Tromey <> writes:

Tom> Philippe Waroquiers has recently been working on gdbserver in valgrind,
Tom> something we discussed briefly in the earliest days of this project:
Tom> I'm probably going to give it a try soon; it seems very promising.

I gave this a try.  It seems to work quite well.

Right now to use it you must run your program separately under valgrind,
then "target remote | vgctl" in gdb.

I think we could make this a bit friendlier by adding a new "target
valgrind" that reuses the remote code internally.  With this plus a
small change to the vgctl patch, we could also support "run" and
"attach" from gdb.

I'm curious to know what others think of this idea.


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