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Re: vtable?

On 01/14/10 15:10, Tom Tromey wrote:
Chris>  One of my guesses of the moment is that under the circumstances of the
Chris>  bug, the "vtable" is either being built wrong or is somehow being
Chris>  corrupted--does anyone have a clue where the "vtable" is built?

 From what I understand, gdb doesn't actually use the dwarf stuff to
build the class' vtable.  There is a bug report or two in gcc bugzilla
about this; I gather that gcc doesn't emit all the needed info.

So, rather than rely on the dwarf, gdb encodes knowledge of the ABI.

okay, i'll poke around in there.

Chris>  Another guess is that in gnuv3_baseclass_offset, gnuv3_get_vtable is
Chris>  being called with a bad type argument, but I haven't looked into that
Chris>  yet.

I don't know about this code, but one interesting thing about the bug is
that casts to the base types seem to return the right answers:

(gdb) p e
$1 = (E *) 0x804a008
(gdb) p (D*)e
$2 = (D *) 0x804a00c
(gdb) p (C*)e
$3 = (C *) 0x804a010

This makes me wonder whether the bug is actually in the value printing
code -- because computing the base offsets seems to work in at least one

That's just something I would look at though, don't give it too much
credence. I don't know much about this code.

hmmm... but that doesn't explain why faking the offset--forcing gnuv3_baseclass_offset to return an 8 iff the type name == "D"--makes things work. on yet the other hand, using a slightly more complex test case, which i just did, where struct A actually has something in it:

   struct A {int k; A() {k=13;};};
   struct B : virtual A {};

you get

$1 = {<C> = {v = 13}, _vptr.D = 0x804870c}

where the 13 in 'v = 13' looks like it might have come from struct A, suggesting that you're right--the printing is screwed up.



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