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Re: git tip

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Thiago Jung Bauermann
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Perhaps everyone else knows about this except me, but I thought it would
> be useful to share anyway:
> To avoid having to type that big remote branch name when you are pushing
> to your branch in the archer repo, you can set a default refspec to push
> to when you don't specify anything to 'git push'. Just edit .git/config,
> and add a line like this to the [remote "origin"] section:
>  push = <local branch name>:<remote branch name>
> In my case this would be:
>  push = python:archer-tromey-python
> So now instead of writing:
> % git push origin python:archer-tromey-python
> I can just type:
> % git push
> I don't know yet if you can add multiple push entries in .git/config to
> create multiple branch mappings, but perhaps you can.

fwiw, I would love to see a collection of these useful tidbits appear
in the wiki.
It would save a ton of other people's time, I think.

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