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new potential task

A couple folks have remarked to me off-line that we don't talk about
MI much on the archer list.

And, since Eclipse support is one of our major goals, we definitely
need to be thinking about MI.  Not having this on our list was a big
oversight!  Whoops.

So, the addition to our task list is looking into notable MI problems
and fixing them.  For the estimation phase I think this would mean
talking to Eclipse developers (and possibly other GUI developers),
looking in Eclipse bugzilla, gdb gnats, etc, and trying to see what is
important enough to fix (and coming up with a set of criteria to help
decide this).

FWIW a tricky thing here is not diverging too much from main-line gdb.
I think it would be preferable not to do this too much, if at all.

We can talk volunteers on Wednesday :)


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