How to submit a patch to the Libabigail project

First thing first, Thank You for considering submitting a patch to this project. It's really appreciated!

Then, you are strongly encouraged to get the latest version of the source code you want to modify. After that, we wish you a peaceful and happy hacking.

Once you have your code changes ready, your patch needs to be accompanied with a commit log in a suitable format.

Once you have the commit log of your patch ready, we would like you to sign your work.

Once you have the signed commit ready, you just have to send the patch (which comprises the commit log, the signed-off line, and the actual diff of your changes to the mailing list of the project: The review will happen there; reviewers will reply to you there and some back and forth will maybe happen there. When reviewers and yourself are happy with the resulting changes, one of the reviewers will happily commit the code on your behalf.

Happy Hacking.

None: SubmitAPatch (last edited 2015-06-05 11:26:50 by DodjiSeketeli)

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