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Adding a New Host

GDB’s host configuration support normally happens via Autoconf. New host-specific definitions should not be needed. Older hosts GDB still use the host-specific definitions and files listed below, but these mostly exist for historical reasons, and will eventually disappear.

This file is a Makefile fragment that once contained both host and native configuration information (see Native Debugging) for the machine xyz. The host configuration information is now handled by Autoconf.

Host configuration information included definitions for CC, SYSV_DEFINE, XM_CFLAGS, XM_ADD_FILES, XM_CLIBS, XM_CDEPS, etc.; see

New host-only configurations do not need this file.

(Files named gdb/config/''arch''/xm-''xyz''.h were once used to define host-specific macros, but were no longer needed and have all been removed.) [Generic-Host-Support-Files ]

Generic Host Support Files

There are some “generic” versions of routines that can be used by various systems.

This contains serial line support for Unix systems. It is included by default on all Unix-like hosts.

This contains serial pipe support for Unix systems. It is included by default on all Unix-like hosts.

This contains serial line support for 32-bit programs running under Windows using MinGW.

This contains serial line support for 32-bit programs running under DOS, using the DJGPP (a.k.a. GO32) execution environment.

This contains generic TCP support using sockets. It is included by default on all Unix-like hosts and with MinGW.

None: Internals Adding-a-New-Host (last edited 2013-08-20 23:40:13 by StanShebs)

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