Package frysk.sys.proc

This package exports interfaces to the /proc pseudo file system.


Class Summary
AuxvBuilder The build an auxiliary vector using the contents of the file /proc/PID/auxv.
CmdLineBuilder The build the command line argument list from the contents of the file /proc/PID/cmdline.
Exe The contents of /proc/PID/exe.
MapsBuilder The build the list of maps from the contents of the file /proc/PID/maps.
Mem Manipulate a pid's mem using stateless file and /proc/$$/mem.
ProcBuilder Scan the /proc, or /proc/pid/task directory for process/task IDs building each ID as it is encountered.
Stat The contents of /proc/PID/stat file.
Status Partial wrapper for /proc/$$/status.

Package frysk.sys.proc Description

This package exports interfaces to the /proc pseudo file system.


The frysk.sys.proc package provides the client with efficient access to the /proc file system.