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I'm just trying to solicit input here. Maybe these questions will help get that input.


Actually, this can be reduced even more by creating copies of an instruction specialized for all the various inputs.


The actual results depend, of course, on the exact mix of target instructions in the application, what instructions the host cpu has, and how efficiently the rest of the simulator is (e.g. floating point and memory operations can require a hundred or more host instructions).


This hasn't actually been implemented so there is some hand waving here.


Note that there are other uses for such a program modification tool besides profiling.


The simulator currently uses elements of the opcode table since the opcode table is a nice central repository for such things. However, the assembler/disassembler isn't part of the simulator, and the portions of the opcode table can be generated and recorded elsewhere should it prove reasonable to do so. The CPU description file won't change, which is the important thing.


While RTL stands for Register Transfer Language, it is also used to denote the CPU description language as a whole.


It is possible to produce a reference manual from `.cpu' files and such an application wouldn't be a bad idea.


It would be reasonable to have a short form and a long form of comment. Either as two entries are as one entry with the short form separated from the long form via some delimiter (say the first newline).


??? This is true in RTL, though some apps add symbols and convert case that can cause collisions.


The details of expr is still undecided.


FIXME: Using "cpu" in "cpu-family" here is confusing. Need a better name. Maybe just "family"?


A term borrowed from the book on the Bulldog compiler and perhaps other sources.


Support for ${operand} is work-in-progress.


The restriction can be relaxed by saying the first blank is the one that separates the mnemonic from its operands.


To be revisited


A temporary simplifying assumption is to treat all memory identically. Being able to specify various kinds of memory (e.g. on-chip RAM,ROM) is work-in-progress.


A profound aversion to typing causes me to often provide brief names of things that get typed a lot.


Normal for me anyway, certainly each person will have their own preference


Although this hasn't been implemented yet.


As the number of source files grows the entire layout may be changed, but until then this is how things are.


not true for <arch> but will be RSN


got a better name?


modes aren't recorded here, should they be?

This document was generated by Ben Elliston on January, 8 2003 using texi2html